

医師がパーソナルブランディングを必要とする一般的状況を最も包括的に説明する方法は、4種類の状況を含むLordache& Breda(2013)に見られる。テクノロジーにおいては、患者と医師がテクノロジーを利用できることが、医師がそれまでに獲得した知識よりも重要であり、競争において優位性をもたらす。テクノロジーがより広く利用できるようになるにつれ、患者を惹き付けるためには、医師は同業者との差別化を図る必要がある。グローバルな背景においては、ルーマニアでは、医療専門家自身によるメディカルツーリズムの議論が始まっている。ルーマニアの医師の評判は、国内における評判をはるかに超えるものとなっている。現地の状況においては、政治、社会、経済、金融の環境で起こるすべてを網羅し、メディアさえもルーマニアの医療システムに影響を与える役割を果たしている。したがって、患者に対しより良いイメージを構築するために、医師はこれらの領域を考慮する必要がある。情報においては、インターネットとソーシャルメディアにより潜在的な患者がより多くの情報にアクセスすることができ、症状、病気の可能性、最も効果的な治療法、医師、医療提供者につながることができている。その結果、これらの患者は、一定のレベルの期待を持って医師のもとに来ることになる。

The most comprehensive description of the general context which requires, one form or another, doctors creating a personal brand is to be found in Iordache Iordache and Breda (2013), which refers to:-Technological context: access to technology, both the patients and doctors, can become a competitive advantage more important than knowledge gained by the doctor. And, as technology becomes more widely available, the doctor will be differentiated through something else to his colleagues, to attract patients to services provided by him; -The global context: in Romania it hasbegun to talk about medical tourism. It is known that Romanian doctors reputation went far beyond the country;-The local context: everything that happens in the political, social, economic and financial environment,even in the media serves to influence the Romanian health system. Doctors should therefore take into account these changes to build a better picture as among patients;-Informational background: the Internet and social media allow potential patients access to information: practically every patient thinks he knows everything about his illness, about the most effective treatments, about doctors, about healthcare providers, and consequently these patients appear before the doctor with a certain level of expectation.

The most comprehensive description of the general context which that requires, one form or another, doctors creating to create a personal brands is to be found in Iordache Iordache Lordache and Breda (2013), ). The which description >1 refers includes tofour contexts: technological, global, local, and informational.:- In the Technological technological context: , access to technology, both by both doctors and the patients and doctors, can become be a competitive advantage, sometimes even more more 2 important than previous knowledge gained by the doctor. And3 , asAs technology becomes more widely available, the a doctor will must be differentiated through something else to hisfrom his or her colleagues, to attract patients to services provided by him; -. In the The global context: ,4  in Romania, medical professionals have startedit hasbegun to5  talking about medical tourism. It is known thatThe reputations of Romanian doctors reputation wenttravel far beyond the country, and patients from other countries may travel to datetime=o seek better care. 6 The;-The local context: encompasses everything that happens in the political, social, economic, and financial environment,. even Even in the media serves to influence the Romanian health system. Doctors should therefore take into accountconsider these areas these changes to buildwhen building a bettertheir picture image as among patients. ;-IIn the informational backgroundcontext, the : thedevelopment of the Internet internet and social media allow provides potential patients with more access to information: ; patients today are informed practically every patient thinks he knows everything about his symptoms, potential illnesses, about the most effective treatments,, about doctors, and about healthcare providers7 , and. C consequentlyonsequently, these patientsthey appear come to before a the doctor with a certain level of knowledge and expectation.

  1. Academic writing should not contain lengthy and wordy sentences as they can hamper clarity. The sentence has been divided into two to introduce clarity and better formal expression.
  2. Emphasizing the correct information is necessary to clearly convey the intended meaning. We have revised this instance to add emphasize the point made by the author.
  3. "And" should not be used to start a sentence in formal writing as it is used more in spoken English. We have deleted it.
  4. When the dependent clause comes before the independent clause, use a comma to separate the two.
  5. he subject of the sentence should be clearly mentioned for clarity among readers. "Here, we have revised "it" to "medical professionals" to clearly mention the subject.
  6. A substantive edit ensures that the sentence structure is made concise and formal while maintaining the meaning.
  7. Using "about" here was highly redundant, which should not be used in academic manuscripts. We have deleted it from all the instances in this part.

The most comprehensive description of the general context that requires doctors to create personal brands is found in Lordache and Breda (2013). The description includes four contexts: technological, global, local, and informational. In the technological context, access to technology, by both doctors and patients, can be a competitive advantage, sometimes even more important than previous knowledge gained by the doctor. As technology becomes more widely available, a doctor must be differentiated from his or her colleagues to attract patients. In the global context, in Romania, medical professionals have started talking about medical tourism. The reputations of Romanian doctors travel far beyond the country, and patients from other countries may travel to Romania to seek better care. The local context encompasses everything that happens in the political, social, economic, and financial environment. Even the media serves to influence the Romanian health system. Doctors should therefore consider these areas when building their image among patients. In the informational context, the development of the internet and social media provides potential patients with more access to information; patients today are informed about symptoms, potential illnesses, the most effective treatments, doctors and healthcare providers. Consequently, they come to a doctor with a certain level of knowledge and expectation.


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