as well as

「as well as 」は日本人学者が英語論文を書く際に最もよく誤用される表現の1つです。その誤りの多くは「as well as」が「and」と同様に使用できるという誤解に起因するものです。実際のところ、2つの表現は類似した意味を持ってはいますが、それらの間には意味上、および文法上の重要な違いがあります。「as well as」は、「and」と似た意味を示す場合には、前置詞の働きをし、「and」よりむしろ「in addition to」に近い意味を持っていると言えます。それゆえ、「A as well as B」と表現する場合、「A and B」が表す「AとBは等価である」という「対称性」は持たず、むしろ「BだけではなくAも」、「Bと同様にAも」、「BはもちろんだがAも」、「Bに加えてAも」というように、AとBの関係の「非対称性」を示します。
以下に「as well as」によく見られる誤用およびその修正例を示します。

[誤] Here, we investigate all three of these methods, and we find that the first method as well as the second method are applicable to systems of long homopolymers.

[正] Here, we investigate all three of these methods, and we find that the first method and the second method are applicable to systems of long homopolymers.

[誤] This type of condition is seen in the cases of blunt trauma as well as shaking trauma.

[正] This type of condition is seen in the cases of blunt trauma and shaking trauma.

[正] This type of condition is seen in the case of blunt trauma, as well as shaking trauma.

[誤] This theory has been successfully applied to the study of the demographic transition, urbanization and specialization, as well as increased standard of living.

[正] This theory has been successfully applied to the study of the demographic transition, urbanization and specialization, and increased standard of living.

[正] This theory has been successfully applied to the study of the demographic transition and urbanization and specialization, in addition to that of increased standard of living.

[誤] Here, we consider the five points raised by Miller in his treatment of parliamentary republics. However, we study these in a broader context that includes parliamentary republics as well as presidential republics.

[正] Here, we consider the five points raised by Miller in his treatment of parliamentary republics. However, we study these in a broader context that includes presidential republics as well as parliamentary republics.

[誤]Experiments were performed for the cases of both increasing temperature as well as decreasing temperature.

[正] Experiments were performed for the cases of both increasing temperature and decreasing temperature.

[正] Experiments were performed for the case of increasing temperature as well as decreasing temperature.

[注1] 「as well as」には主な用法が2つあります。そのひとつはここで取り扱うもので、もうひとつは「as [副詞・形容詞] as」という一般的なパターンの一例として、つまり「~と同じ程度によく(うまく)」という意味で用いられる場合です。後者の用法では「in as satisfactory a way as」、「with equal skill as」、「with equal thoroughness as」、「as carefully as」、「to the same degree/extent as」、「as much as」などの表現と同じ意味を持ちます。そのような意味で用いられる場合、誤用は比較的少ないのでここでは取り扱いません。また、標準的ではない用法もいくつか存在しますが、それらをここで考察することはしません。

Dr. Paquette

グレン・パケットGlenn Paquette

1993年イリノイ大学(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)物理学博士課程修了。1992年に初来日し、1995年から、国際理論物理学誌Progress of Theoretical Physicsの校閲者を務める。京都大学基礎物理研究所に研究員、そして京都大学物理学GCOEに特定准教授として勤務し、京都大学の大学院生に学術英語指導を行う。著書に「科学論文の英語用法百科」。パケット先生のHPはこちらから。




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