

[誤] As most of you are probably aware, Spelaeoecia bermudensis is categorized as “critically endangered” by the IUCN.

[正] As most readers are probably aware, Spelaeoecia bermudensis is categorized as “critically endangered” by the IUCN.

[誤] You may have noticed that the second term in Eq.(3.1) has been omitted.

[正] The reader may have noticed that the second term in Eq.(3.1) has been omitted.

[誤] In Fig. 2, you can see the intersection of these two curves.

[正] In Fig. 2, we can see the intersection of these two curves.

[正] In Fig. 2, the intersection of these two curves can be seen.

[誤] You can clearly divide these results into two groups.

[正] We can clearly divide these results into two groups.

[正] These results can be clearly divided into two groups.

Dr. Paquette

グレン・パケットGlenn Paquette

1993年イリノイ大学(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)物理学博士課程修了。1992年に初来日し、1995年から、国際理論物理学誌Progress of Theoretical Physicsの校閲者を務める。京都大学基礎物理研究所に研究員、そして京都大学物理学GCOEに特定准教授として勤務し、京都大学の大学院生に学術英語指導を行う。著書に「科学論文の英語用法百科」。パケット先生のHPはこちらから。




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