
1. 正しい用法
コロンは、文法的にはピリオドと同様に文の終わりを表す役割を果たしますが、その意味はピリオドと異なり、前の文と後の文との特別な関係を示します。つまり、[XXX]: [YYY]という形の構文において、[XXX]と[YYY]に挟まれる「:」が示すのは、「[XXX]という文の役割は[YYY]の内容を導入し、目立たせること」だという意味です。そうしたコロンの典型的な用法を以下に示します。

    1. We need the following ingredients: flour, eggs, milk, sugar and salt.
    2. Each morning, the artist followed the same routine: wake at 6:30; eat breakfast; take a walk; review the previous day’s work; write down a schedule for that day; take a nap for one hour.
    3. This model consists of four fundamental pieces:
      (i) diffusion terms; (ii) linear destabilizing terms; (iii) non-linear coupling terms; (iv) non-linear stabilizing terms.
    4. With the above considerations, the central problem with all research in this field has come clearly into focus: In order to obtain any kind of conclusion regarding the causes of autism, we must first formulate a clear clinical definition and devise reliable methods of diagnosis.

2. 誤った用法

  1. [誤] The main components of this apparatus include: (i) the primary reaction chamber; (ii) the secondary reaction chamber; (iii) the heating element; (iv) the exhaust mechanism; (v) the visualization mechanism.
    [正] The main components of this apparatus include the following: (i) the primary reaction chamber; (ii) the secondary reaction chamber; (iii) the heating element; (iv) the exhaust mechanism; (v) the visualization mechanism.
  2. [誤] This type of treatment has been found to work best for: diabetics, the elderly and stroke victims.
    [正] This type of treatment has been found to work best for diabetics, the elderly and stroke victims.
  3. [誤] The milieu consists of: dendritic cells and T cells.
    [正] The milieu consists of dendritic cells and T cells.
  4. [誤] The first such relation is obtained as: x = a/2.
    [正] The first such relation is x = a/2.
    [正] The first such relation is found to be x = a/2.
    [正] As the first such relation, we obtain x = a/2.
    [正] The first such relation is derived as x = a/2.


Dr. Paquette

グレン・パケットGlenn Paquette

1993年イリノイ大学(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)物理学博士課程修了。1992年に初来日し、1995年から、国際理論物理学誌Progress of Theoretical Physicsの校閲者を務める。京都大学基礎物理研究所に研究員、そして京都大学物理学GCOEに特定准教授として勤務し、京都大学の大学院生に学術英語指導を行う。著書に「科学論文の英語用法百科」。パケット先生のHPはこちらから。




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